By Anonymous - 10/11/2009 06:43 - United States

Today, I got a paper back that was given a zero for suspected plagiarism. Everything I wrote was my own thought and analysis. My instructor basically thinks my paper is smarter than I am. He won't listen, even when I explain my thought processes throughout the piece. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 677
You deserved it 2 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not simply in America or Hungary, the situation is worse in India. In India, reading or writing is not the culture of the youth in majority. I always had teachers who became teachers perhaps because they did not have anything else to do. All my papers, essays and critical reviews were questioned because my writing was "like that of an expert" (Putting it in words of one of my teachers in high school). But I always proved to convince my ideas and as I had good academic results always, so that didn't turn out to be such a larger issue for me. OP accept my heart felt empathy.


liveBabylon 0

Mee too dude.. This happened to me in 6TH GRADE! :( I was put down 2 over all grades for doing an awesome ******* job.

Reyo 2

I was put in remedial 6th grade math when I should've been in 7th grade or higher level math because SOMEONE (not naming names...) screwed up the placement test scores. What would happen is I'd finish the assignments in 10 minutes and be bored shitless for the other 80. Being an overactive 11 year old, I'd run amuk. The first N on my report card, my parents went straight to the principle and asked why a kid who was at the top of the class was getting an N for behavior. Long story short, they finally put me in advanced math and my behavior improved instantly. The bitch still held a grudge since, 3 months after the incident, the Math teacher used the fact that I had an N in behavior to keep me out of student council...despite it being her mistake. Parents raised more hell, she wouldn't budge. They got my ass out of that school the following year. Now? College level math where I'm doing better than people 10 years older than me...******* Mrs. Smith. If you're out there, **** you. **** the lot of you.

67 is totally right OP, the teacher can't just decide that you plagiarized. They have to have some sort of proof. Take it to someone above the Teacher. Don't take No for an answer. If necessary threaten legal action. Plagiarism is a serious offense, but accusing someone of it is also serious. This could screw up your academic record for the rest of your life, don't think of this as just a "It sucks, oh well." situation. You could be denied access to other schools later in life and even jobs if this gets on your record. Nip it in the Butt, and kick that teacher's ass. If you live in the U.S. I can basically guarantee that you can find some sort of student rights group that will help you out.

whistler_fml 0

Dude, you should send her a letter listing you accomplishments and rub it in her face. I had a teacher like that,who thought the entire class was idiots. She literally told us to our face that she didn't' think we would pass our SOL. And then, she was surprised when we didn't listen to her throughout the entire class.

wtf happened to innocent until proven guilty. or does that only work on adults.

doesn't he need proof to actually call it plagiarism?

MiGman 5

op this happened to me and I got a proffessor fired

DarknessToLight 5

70: i hate that I can only thumb up once, I clicked the button over a hundred times. that was just great lol

saraitkddh 47
Horde 8

Not just american teachers like this. In Hungary, the situation is just the same

One of my teachers made a kid write their essay three times over because he thought it was plagiarism. :/

Not simply in America or Hungary, the situation is worse in India. In India, reading or writing is not the culture of the youth in majority. I always had teachers who became teachers perhaps because they did not have anything else to do. All my papers, essays and critical reviews were questioned because my writing was "like that of an expert" (Putting it in words of one of my teachers in high school). But I always proved to convince my ideas and as I had good academic results always, so that didn't turn out to be such a larger issue for me. OP accept my heart felt empathy.

Mx_Rider 6

well said #5 internet brownie for you

I used to have teachers like that... Sorry dude, FYL

same shit happened to me too, i had to make up around 150 footnote references to books and pages to make them accept my work...

Sneak into his house at night and write a detailed thesis all over his walls in sharpie. Maybe then he'll see that you're not stealing it.

baby_gurl2405 0

maybe you should try participateing and getting answers right in class.... then maybe he'll believe that ur acctualy smart enough to creat such work... :-P

You misspelled "create" and you are using emoticons to drive your point home. Your opinion does not count.

dahlia_springs 0

also participating, you're, and actually

devendra_fml 0

and honestly, her name is baby gurl, what can we really expect?

YOu're a girl so you can report him for being sexist! :D