By Anon - 27/02/2010 16:07 - United States

Today, my boss told me that if I didn't become his neighbor on Farmville I wouldn't have a job. I laughed. He didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 713
You deserved it 2 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ballistic 2

well did u become his neighbor?

KurouTenshi 0

just another example of how facebook ruins lives...


ballistic 2

well did u become his neighbor?

Yeah, don't be such a spiteful bastard. Be his damn neighbour and water his plants every now and then. God damn what is wrong with people these days?

Subrosawolf 0

I personally hate Farmville. Only weakminded fools submit themselves to apps (says the boy on the FML app)

saywaturcoco 0

The thing people should be hating on is Facebook for making people do incredibly stupid things like this because of a stupid game.

JoshTheMaggot 8

ok that's hilarious. you better be his damn neighbor and feed his friggin animals u worthless PoS haha jk dude but that's hilarious.

If OP has any sense, the problem is that he doesn't even have a Facebook account.

TrekkieGirl 0

Your boss needs to get a life! He can't legally fire you over something so asinine. FYL...OP, for having a boss that's so wrapped up in the virtual world, that's he's forgotten how not to be a moron in the realy world.

JackDupp 11

Most states are at-will employment states, meaning an employer can hire and fire people at will. The exception would be firing someone for discriminatory reasons. Farmville would not fall into this category.

"At will" means they can do it without notice. They still need just cause.

i don't see the big deal, he may be acting like a child but it's not a big issue. just become his neighbor on farmville, water his plants once every couple days, keep your job, and move on with your life.

Dude if you are going to get addicted to that stuff go play a real mmorpg game. seriously why play that stuff when there is better games out there: starcraft, diablo, WoW, CoD, etc

asianwolf 2

I can picture an imaginary drug dealer saying " Check out our stuff! We have CoD, WoW, DaD! Special this week Is FarmVille, priced at 5 hours a day!

im2good25 0
JackDupp 11

nope, at will means exactly what it says - an employee can be terminated for for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all.

Dont_Explain 3

Everybody seems to be missing one point: it's considered to be bad to laugh at your own jokes, therefore he might have been joking still. This is why I laugh at myself, so people know when I am joking. ^^

Farmville sucks. I played once and my guy was black. I also had him picking cotton.

TheDaveCA 1

This seems like a win... If Farmville is a job responsibility do so when you're on the clock.

bosses are the stupidest people onearth

what a loser. tell him to get a life.

jazriel 0

(: hahahaa. just DO IIT. i meen, no harrm right.

PeeNaught 3

couldn't have said that better myself number 45 I don't have a damn Facebook either... as my original comment was going to say f****** Facebook... I'm currently unemployed and have been for a while unfortunately if I got a job and my boss said that I be like f*** you dude and I walk out the door...

PeeNaught 3

at 72 if this employees smart watch him make it fall into that category...

I agree snickerdoodles.. but idk if he wants a job, with a boss like that..I mean what a dumbass=p

Sounds like the advice that you'd give to a hooker.

I'ld take the job, dignity won't pay the bills :D

facingforeverr 0
Danielt104 6

Snickerdoodles, I know people like OP's boss. After OP becomes the neighbor, the boss will threaten to fire OP if he/she doesn't do everything the boss says. The poor OP's now a Farmville slave. Or jobless.

bebz_fml 0

I agree with #111 but it's not that big a deal, it's just an online game.

Why would you even friend your boss on FB? or did he bully you into that as well? Never a good idea to friend bosses and coworkers. Friend them when you leave the job and want to keep in touch

KurouTenshi 0

just another example of how facebook ruins lives...

pendulum2012 0

Facebook might ruin your life if you are one of those people who is obsessed with taking 36437 pictures of yourself at random angles (and then Photoshopping the crap out of them) and playing those dumb games like Farmville. No one I know in college has that problem, we all have normal pictures of us with friends and fun times. I think its a high school thing. If Facebook "ruined your life," then it's your own fault.

KurouTenshi 0

wooow xD you should get a cookie for taking what I said seriously... LOL!!

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

haha you can always tell when someone like #61 is trying to backtrack and act like they meant something different, they act all obnoxious (wooow...LOLZ!) complete with emoticons, its a pattern

KurouTenshi 0

@76, 77 I'm so sorry there's no font to express the sarcasm in the things I say here on FML But if people can denote Trolls without a special font, surely one can read a comment or two of mine, and know when I'm being serious, and when I'm typing random bullshit. I have a facebook :P I don't really use it much, but I did learn I have a cousin I've never known about! That's some crazy family reunion shit. And, I, as do many FML commentators, backtrack out of boredom :P And now I've lost interest...*wonders off to get a pop-tart*

limyechan 0

excuse me, not all high school people have 33900 pictures of themselves.. by you saying that, you are sterotying high school students and acting like you're Better than everyone else.. go **** yourself! (:

KurouTenshi 0

Nonono, they said: 36437 So clearly, having 33900 pictures is A-Okay :D But you have to stop at 36536. Anymore and you'll fit into their stereotype.

ugh, thank god he didn't stop on 32768, because that's a multiple of 2! >< |the kid|

Let him fire you and sue him that's a just reason to sue firing without a legit reason

Yeah...and then the boss will just say "we needed to due to budget cuts". Duh

Asheanao 0

Pretty easilly solved, but what the ****? Farmville? Really?

mina637 0

then become his neighnor!! duh. lol. good for u too!! more neighbors!

jerseystreetking 0

Tell him you've been too busy watering crops and ACTUAL WORK!

MrsUchiha 0

Lol :p. and to the OP, that sucks..but it would be a funny news story if he did fire you, and an even funnier lawsuit.

#137, why don't you? He was merely using humor to point out that the OP is a dumbass.