By iloveZELOS - 05/07/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, my boss told me he is a superhero. He has written countless comics about his crusades and adventures. I make fifty dollars an hour less than him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 027
You deserved it 4 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do u honestly think u deserve to be on the same money as a superhero...?

Well, maybe one day you will be that high up that you can do something like that and still earn a good amount of money. I'd ask him if he can make me a villain in one of his comic books. But that's just me... :)


Well, maybe one day you will be that high up that you can do something like that and still earn a good amount of money. I'd ask him if he can make me a villain in one of his comic books. But that's just me... :)

yea what she said... but ur boss is probably rich $_$ fifty less hmmm that's a good thing...Right

that is exactly why you make $50/hr less than him

Do_The_DANCE 4

Or he could make a comic book himself where he crushes his boss. that would bring some satisfaction. Also, he should send the comic to his boss.

Hey don't hate cause he makes more money than you. He has a mind like none other. And agreed #1.

MrGlad 0

Hey, just because he's creative and has a mind for adventure, dosn't mean you deserve more money than you. Because of this, I'm not choicing "FML" or "YDI"

he has creativity and ambition =] perfect leadership material

testing_fml 0

What is wrong with that? Just because he has an imagination he shouldn't make as much money as you?

shiie 0

He said that he IS a superhero. Not that he sometimes pretends to be a superhero. There is a fine line between imagination and schizophrenia.

Even if that were true, why shouldn't people with schizophrenia have jobs? Then what should they do, sit at home all day? This guy sounds like he functions well.

qwerty475 0

Your boss isn't as freaky as mine, he told me Chuck Norris was his mother and George Lopez was his father.

Why wouldn't you hire a schizophrenic? It would be like hiring multiple people at once, just send them on their lunch break when the personality that likes to stab or throw poo pops up. I mean you have to protect the other employees.

schizophrenia is NOT multiple personality disorder

sparxva 12

Wow! You're paid almost as much as your boss, who's a superhero? You are so blessed... (JK) Quit whining and be glad he shared his secret identity with you.

Maybe if you were a superhero you'd be promoted above him. Eh? Eh?

Exactly! OP, stop complaining, get out there and find some radioactive insects to bite you.

Do u honestly think u deserve to be on the same money as a superhero...?

My thoughts exactly. I think getting paid ONLY 50 dollars less than a super hero is pretty decent really.'s pretty obvious that a superhero is going to make bank..

that would be my dream boss. ask him if he wants a sidekick.