Money for whining

By Anonymous - 14/05/2021 23:59 - Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo

Today, I realized I get paid to hear my boss complain and talk crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 738
You deserved it 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bleachedraven 14

It's called being employed. We all listen to someone pissing and moaning. If it's affecting your mental health, however, I'd seek out a therapist.


bleachedraven 14

It's called being employed. We all listen to someone pissing and moaning. If it's affecting your mental health, however, I'd seek out a therapist.

That's half of my job. I hate it, especially when she calls and messages after hours

Ambrily 27

At least you get paid. Most people have to listen to that crap for free.

Me too! I work with my boss and one other guy and he literally complains about #2 almost every day MON-FRI. He'll go on for 5-15 minutes and I just nod and agree when he talks smack 😂