By Anonymous - 26/11/2013 19:05 - United States - New York

Today, my boss's obese bully of a grandson had a seizure. Being the only physician around, I had to rush in to tend to him. Except it wasn't a seizure as such. My daughter had found my taser and used it on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 878
You deserved it 5 300

Same thing different taste

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And that's how he became the most electrifying man in sports entertainment.

Watt a buzz that must have been for your daughter.

What did he do to spark such a reaction in your daughter?

addioty 19

Ah I moderated this. I'm curious as to how a 4 year old knew how to work it...

if you smellellellell what the chubs is cooking

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emirie 21

Where did she find your taser!?

I didn't know that people carry around tasers now... I better be careful out there.

Knightchaser27 25

The OP is a male, why would he have a purse?

peve3 12

It's not a purse, it's a satchel!

Brightbulb 39

Every Doctor I know carries a taser. They get assaulted a lot

emirie 21

Its not a satchel, its a murse

The idea of an obese bully being tazered makes me extremely happy.

Dawnstempest 17

Enough that you start shaking from joy?

\ 28

Especially if it's the obese bully from Ted. Boy does he deserve getting an "ouch".

I don't think violence can be solved with even more violence.

That is awsome, props to ur daughter, hope u didnt get in to much trouble

That should teach him to "treat others how you want to be treated".

I'm guessing she was defending herself from his bullying. good for her. you should be proud of her for being able to take care of herself

Would have been even funnier if she screamed pikachuuuuuu, then shocked him.

Sorry mate. 1 beat you to it. Gotta be quicker on the draw.

I know, I realised straight after I posted...

You had time to change it to something more witty. 120 seconds, to be exact.