By Boss Troubles - 17/03/2015 06:12 - United States - Anaheim

Today, my boss insisted I go in front of him up the stairs. Out of respect, I insisted he go first. After a few seconds of back and forth insisting, he went. The reason he wanted me to go first was because he had to fart. I inhaled the raunchy gas for over three flights of stairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 829
You deserved it 12 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just accept the offer he made and go first - it gets annoying when people can't accept stuff like that.

climbing the corporate ladder isn't all roses and scented candles


gintwinsmoore 20

ydi flit being

momac86 17

Lesson learned the boss is always in charge

the etiquette is for the lady to go first up the stairs and second down the stairs, for the getleman to catch her if she falls

Okay but why didn't you just go in front of your boss when you realized what was going on?

I too was confused by the use of raunchy, made my face all puzzled lol sexy, provocative fart lol, but as previously explained, I get it now