By flyakite - 22/08/2014 03:53 - United States

Today, my boss decided our 4 year relationship was unethical, so she broke up with me, then terminated my employment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 139
You deserved it 6 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hoopgrug 5

Without knowing more about it, I hesitate to offer unsolicited advice, but is there someone you could report this to?


Wow, you couldn't have deserved that more. Workplace relationships.. Tisk, tisk.

you need to file a complaint for unfair dismissal!!

at least now you know it's not the best idea to date a boss or coworker. hope you find a new (and better) job soon!

You can definitely take that to court for wrongful termination

I'm.. Pretty sure.. That that is illegal.

Nickoli42 3

She cheated. Burying evidence most likely.

flexico30 12

Never get your honey where you get your money