Works with podcasts as well

By Anonymous - 24/04/2021 16:00 - Australia - Croydon

Today, I realised I get really attached to characters in long-running TV shows, because I have no friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 756
You deserved it 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theproblemboblem 6

Don’t feel bad because same.

You know, there is a show you can watch where you can be fully invested in the characters' lives, as well as find Friends. I just wish I could remember the name of the show...


theproblemboblem 6

Don’t feel bad because same.

You know, there is a show you can watch where you can be fully invested in the characters' lives, as well as find Friends. I just wish I could remember the name of the show...

It must be a bummer when someone dies in those shows...

that's actually more normal than you think...and I wish you well...also game of thrones is not a good idea for you to watch, lol.

Is it really because you have no friends, or is it because y ou u actually really like how the character is portrayed or acted out? I do have friends and also get really invested in characters in lkng running shows