By flyakite - 22/08/2014 03:53 - United States

Today, my boss decided our 4 year relationship was unethical, so she broke up with me, then terminated my employment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 139
You deserved it 6 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hoopgrug 5

Without knowing more about it, I hesitate to offer unsolicited advice, but is there someone you could report this to?


You referee to her as your boss instead of girlfriend. Interesting

That's why you don't shit where you eat.

Unless you did something complete illegal or she has another legitimate reason other then being "unethical"; she has no rights to terminate you. This can be grounds for lawsuit.

Rule #1. Don't shit where you eat. Add a caveat for especially with your boss. Either one of you would deserve what could be done by the other in that regard

nialls_girl 13

Wel don't ever date someone you work with. Especially your employer. YDI.

Sue her and the company. Insufficient grounds for termination

Don't ever dip your pen in company ink. YDI. Also, contact her superiors and say that her firing you was a conflict of interest since you two were dating.