By pincushion - 31/12/2015 05:47 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had a CT scan done with contrast. My tech seemed competent in his job so I wasn't nervous, until he tried to start my IV. It took him 3 attempts to get it right. Not only was I stuck 3 times, he also blew one of my veins. I now have severely bruised arms and what look like track marks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 119
You deserved it 1 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theblondeone 16

As a phlebotomist in a major hospital, this is extremely common and unavoidable, especially if you are dehydrated or have crappy veins. It's not necessarily the tech's fault.

Try warm packs if you have bumps and cold packs for the bruises with some tylenol or ibuprofen and the bruises and bumps should clear up quickly. Hang in there OP and I hope your CT results come out ok. - Nurse Becca


Looks like he'll needle some more practice, IV willing to train him, but we'll need to track his progress

Why the downvotes guys? - too easily impressed

I don't C T problem, experience always helps, but you gotta give the newbies a break. Sucks for you OP, hope you get better.

wow, that's sucks. Hope you will have a speedy recovery!

Two comments in and there's always a shit ton of puns- something to laugh at while you get over your current situation?

Try warm packs if you have bumps and cold packs for the bruises with some tylenol or ibuprofen and the bruises and bumps should clear up quickly. Hang in there OP and I hope your CT results come out ok. - Nurse Becca

Hey it happens. Some nurses or doctors have a hard time pinpointing where to prick you and it taked a good eye to get it just righht. Speedy recovery OP.

I can verify that this happens for other nurses/doctors. It took 3 different nurses and 8 attempts of what felt like Satan taking a piss in my veins for them to change out my IV when I was in the hospital.

ShirtlessWonder 17

If you would file a lawsuit over something like that, you might have a bigger issue than the bruises on your arm.

lmao that you and OP actually think this is a big thing. this is SO common.

Sorry to hear it happened. It's not easy to hit those veins sometimes and it's a natural part of the job. You'll be fine.

I'm really scared of needle so I cant imagine how you felt!

sometimes the perfect vein isn't so perfect after all. hope the results come back fine. and you'll be fine, the bruises will go away in about 3 days. good luck