By MacGrouber - 17/03/2011 00:12 - United States

Today, my bird learned to mimic my fire alarm. It proved it to me at 3 am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 847
You deserved it 4 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ViolentBears 0

Now all you have to do is make it learn a police siren and you'll be set with a watch bird.

MyChemical_fml 0

Aw that's cute... Right...? :l


MyChemical_fml 0

Aw that's cute... Right...? :l

lol yeah it's adorable... on the bright side if some one tried to break in and heard the fire alarm they would try to gtfo

pet birds are the shit, they have more personality than dumb cats or submissive dogs

3 I'm sensing you're somewhat of any angry soul.. seeing as though you ask if OP punches whatever the subject of the FML is ... anyways, I just wanted to say... I'm a huge fan of yours. can I have your autograph??? :D

ViolentBears 0

Now all you have to do is make it learn a police siren and you'll be set with a watch bird.

Epic_Phale615 0

THAT, would be badass. I'd go to school with it and harass my AP bio professor :P.

LadyEmi 15
matt1990 0

did u get socked in tha mouth tha day of that picture? jw..

Woah... Your lips are big... haha... D:

This woman frustrates me so much... why must you fail every time by speaking in such a fail manner... and what is "awsome"... it's "awesome"...

whoa 30 & 31.. this woman frustrates me a little as well.. but theres no need to make fun of the way she looks. that's mean and uncalled for.

Mimic it back. I'm sure the bird would get tired of hearing it after awhile and stop.

ilovepoppa 0

FYL. I hate birds... especially ones that talk!

shad93 3

It happens to all of us......jk just you! :)

badmamujamu 0

That's why when I got mine I yelled "**** U" 10 times as much as I can

hellogoodbye1996 6

ten times as much as you can? oh that makes complete sense.

He/she meant to put It* somewhere in there I'm sure.

badmamujamu 0