By Hopeless - 12/07/2009 03:18 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called me and he was very upset, crying that he had been betrayed. He then began to explain that his friend had slept with his ex-girlfriend. I asked why he was so upset, and he said he still loved her, and really thought they were going to be able to work things out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 562
You deserved it 3 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him you slept with his friend as well, and you can understand why his ex made the choice she did.

Ive been there... my advice get rid of him


CryingHowls 0

he may be using u to make his ex jealous. if so, kick him out.

Ive been there... my advice get rid of him

dRose22 0

leave his bitch ass, he's obviously just using you

Leave him and dont look back. I was in the same thing, and now 3months on i just got over her. She was only goin out with me till the ned of the year but when her Ex started havin sex with some other chick i got dumped because she wanted to wait for him. Dont look back, just leave. Its in ur best intrests.

Oh my god, #6. That's ******* ridiculous. Someone starts sleeping with others and that makes you want to wait around for them? -_-

Your life sucks. There are no any variants to build a happy life with this guy

Tell his friend to keep doing her, then dump your bastard boyfriend.

Tell him you slept with his friend as well, and you can understand why his ex made the choice she did.

amatayo 0

because I can't make this any bigger just think of this as a building. "WOW" yeah I would be just speechless until my girlfriend (for you boyfriend) finds themselves alone

Break up with him, he's an insensitive asshole.