By dumbteacher - 23/05/2011 14:35
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 31/10/2011 10:09 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 10/06/2014 15:05 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
By jzidar24 - 22/10/2015 02:37 - United States - Bloomfield Hills
By R - 05/09/2016 10:27 - Australia - Melbourne
Not how it works...
By Anonymous - 28/02/2017 00:00 - Canada
Do your own research
By Anonymous - 10/04/2021 13:01 - Australia - Sydney
Occam's razor
By cheatingapparently - 20/06/2020 23:06
By Anonymous - 10/11/2009 06:43 - United States
Notebooks out, plagiarists!
By What am I doing with my life? - 22/05/2014 16:47 - United States - Aurora
There's always someone with a big nose who knows
By Anonymous - 15/08/2021 22:01
Top comments
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Show it anywayit's because so many mexicans cheat in school, the teachers are blaming everyone these days
that's a terrible AP teacher, we had words like surreptitious and deleterious. OP, find out who the department head is of English there and talk to them about it
The use of your sophisticated words ultimately led to your demise, leading you to run naked in rural fields.
Just explain the meaning of the words in question and why you chose them. Will surprise her and proof you're innocent.
*prove. nice job me.
rural fields? as opposed to the urban fields??
Whichever tickles your pickle
If that's the only evidence your teacher has she's an idiot and she's probably just jealous because you're smarter than she is.
Even if OP doesn't know the meanings of those words off the top of his/her head, single words are no reason to accuse someone of plagiarism. Even a half-wit English teacher should know that kids have access to a dictionary or, God forbid, a thesaurus. Either OP is exaggerating, or that teacher needs to be fired, then at least take some English classes before being allowed to teach it.
Combo Breaker!!
Damn it 36, why do you have to torture us with that picture!?
Your hot
well i think 1s pic is torture ;)
Go to that ******* teacher, ******* beat his ass, and while hes on the ground wimpering, yell "SCHOOLS OUT MOTHA FUCKA!!!!" then jiz on him and call him a bitch
It reminds me of my old honors 10 English teacher.
Why does #1 have so many thumbs down? it wasn't nearly that bad of comment. I'm thinkin her picture is bringing out all the jealous bitches hatin
Hehehehe well said.
I'm not even in high school and I use ultimately all the time ; what on earth is this teacher talking about ?
Ultimately, your rural demise is imminent.
C-C-Combo Breaker!
153- Combo breakers are so rudimentary and immature. Just kidding.
This kid in my class copied his entire life science project off of wikipedia with strange letters and small numbers in brackets and he didn't get caught WTF
you gotta be classy with that shitt
205- Yes.
Jokes on them; if you're telling the truth then you're clearly more intelligent than they think you could be, good for you!
there us just a software that checks for plagiarism instead of a dumbass teachers hunch
yeah my school district uses it, I can't remember what's it's called though =
Those aren't even very sophisticated words.
try being more dumb ... just saying
Next time don't plagiarize words from the dictionary; invent your own!
Yea, because AP kids are dumb.
4 I hope that wasn't an actual advice and you're being sarcastic.
I was but apparently 60 people don't understand that.
Next time don't use bigs words...
Totally. Sacrifice using your vocabulary to its fullest extent to appease the lesser intellectuals. Sound advice. /sarcasm
You are one stupid ************.
Actually, you are the inane one, for you have not realized that his comment was sarcastic.
Big words like "big"?
Please use one silubole words. I am not good at know big words.
98 is a motherfucking fail. I'm in 9th grade Pre-AP, and we learned that word 6 or so weeks ago. Good job 98! Now prepare for your lambasting...
why are people so proud that they learned a word using a f... class read more and you'll learn more words without a teacher telling you to learn it PS: being good at school, does not mean a person is intelligent or not, it just means you have discipline i'm not calling anybody dumb, but don't feel better than anybody either, and telling people to dumb down to fit someone's expectations is the dumbest god damn ******* thing i have ever heard
Poe's law runs amok.
That was ultimately your demise.
Yeah, the picture kinda softens the blow to my epically bad comment.
cool story bro
It's because of students who do cheat that make the rest of us look bad. They act like we're incapable of intelligent thought when we actually try.
We, leprechauns.
well considering that there should really have been a "been" between "have" and "copied" i can't blame them.
Question: what's AP? The first things Google gives me are all about 'the Associated Press' and I get a feeling that that's not what it's all about. OP, your teacher is an ass. An unprofessional ass. Pupils are allowed to use the internet as a source of inspiration whilst making homework, as long as they just don't copy-paste the shit or change a couple of words. That's plagiarism. Using difficult words is something your teacher should be encouraging. I don't know how it's there, but here, in Belgium, we need to have proof for plagiarism. I once found an identical copy of a task on the internet, I printed it and tadaah, plagiarism proved. If there is no proof, there is no plagiarism.
But I don't know what advanced placement is :( I'm searching for a term people in Europe (specific: Belgium) use for it. Edit, thank you Softballer. Now I know what it is, and it's something we don't have. I think...
22 your Christ on a bike expression made me laugh so freakin hard. I loved it.
AP stands for Advanced Placement and you can receive college credit for AP courses, depending on what school you're planning to go to.
AP stands for Advanced Placement and you can receive college credit for AP courses, depending on what school you're planning to go to.
#57 I've tried hard looking for your point, but I just don't see it. OP, your teacher is an idiot. If he just accuses you but nothing really comes out of it, ignore him- some teachers are just plain bitter and will do everything they can to make other people's lives just as miserable. If it affects you in some way, even the slightest, talk to the principal about it.
45: I'm guessing you don't have AP courses because your educational system isn't ass-backwards. ALL students should be prepared for college by graduation, whether they plan to attend or not.
Alternate Penguin
AP is pretty much just-to put it simply- high school classes for smart people
Ass Paste.
It's not college prep, it's the opportunity to earn college credits while in High School. AP or Advances Placement classes are an opportunity to take a college equivalent class. They are usually pretty difficult and the test is designed to challenge you on an incredibly high level. It is hosted by College Board (SAT too). I would know, I've taken four :).
djpeepee...AP is short for Advanced Placement. It's an honors course that allows you to take a placement exam once you've graduated high school to earn college credit and allow you to skip classes at the university level.
82, that would be great, but take my school, for example. They had to cut some AP and honors classes last semester because kids were failing 9th grade on level biology for the third time. Those kids sicken me with how quickly they throw away their opportunities. No matter how much you teach them, they're not going to care about school enough to learn.
It might be Career Studies That's what we call studying for the sake of continuing to study or studying to find work.
AP classes are going to start having high dollar marks next to them in the near future because there is no funding for them.. so many will be better waiting for college to pay for them.. rather than get a jumpstart in HS
185- a collage class for high school?! Oh my, but collages are such an advanced art form. Try coloring inside the lines, I hear you're still working on it.
Ultimately, your rural demise is imminent.
Jokes on them; if you're telling the truth then you're clearly more intelligent than they think you could be, good for you!