By Kendra_Nine - 16/01/2013 18:28 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my 8-year-old sister matter-of-factly said that she's going to get married before me if I don't stop wearing track pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 717
You deserved it 31 091

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She is right, yoga pants is the way to go.

MrBrightside21 20

Or don't wear any pants. Yeah, yeah, the cops don't like it, but the ladies always give me a second look. Single by choice.


I love how judgemental people can be over something as useless as the subject of track pants, or slacks, or whatever strikes your fancy. I wear them all the time, unless it's a special occasion, such as a party or I'm out clubbing or whatever. Though most of my parties consist of LANs and smoking weed so the slacks are on most of the time. People who judge me for this include: My mother. Also my father because he doesn't want to disagree with his wife. That is where the line ends. I have no problem getting women, and those who would deny me because of it I would rather not spend a second with, if given the choice.

perdix 29

#30, it's different -- you're a dude! You can have hairy armpits and legs, and that would be OK -- it just doesn't work for girls.

I am very aware of my body hair and constantly shave my armpits and shower five times a week etc. My lifestyle very much works for a woman, and it's not my problem that they don't think so.

Whatever you say, a woman or a man are more likely to be noticed if they are dressed tastefully. I guess that the girl you hook up with share your taste in clothes. I agree that we should not judge people on their appearance but first impressions still matter. Your clothes send a message. Wearing sweatpants send the message that you don’t care much how you look like, which is fine as long as you’re happy with it. A girl is free to wear sweatpants all the time but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s not a flattering outfit.

CheeseHater - I thumbed you down, but only because of your username. Oh, and for your profile pic. And for your stupid comment where you seem to brag about your weed parties. So...pretty much for everything.

#45 I would never brag about smoking weed, what is there to brag about? I understand the rest. The reason I actually put that line in there was because I found it as useful information to the story.

50- what I found useful information is how you shower ONLY five times a week and you brag how you keep up with your hygienes

Showering too much isn't healthy, but okay. None of what I said was to brag, it was to explain. If you seriously think it's somehow more clean to shower seven times a week than it is five, you should check some science...

What I find useful is how you say you don't have any problem getting women. Seems to me that these women aren't all that hard to get in the first place. If you know what I mean. . .

perdix 29

If you stop wearing pants of all kinds, you'll find a husband lickety-split!

Start watching the show "What not to Wear". They have cute ideas that are still comfortable outfits. (:

Ugh. My cousin decided to wear these and they are her go to wardrobe choice. To wear around the house, to run quick errands, or when you are actually exercising they are fine. As everyday wardrobe, not fine. Your sister may be right. Anybody that says looks don't matter are either blind or lying. Looking pleasant to the eye gets people's attention. You don't have to be a super model or fashionista but at least put some effort in to your appearance. Having lazy days is fine of course, but all the time gives off the feeling that you don't care how you look therefore you don't take care of yourself. If you don't take care of yourself then others will assume you can't take care of other things. Whether its true or not is irrelevant when it comes to a first impression before these people actually know you.

ideasrule 13

Of course looks matter, but there's a limit to how much it should matter. If someone wears dirty clothes every day and has unkempt hair, that makes him/her unattractive for obvious reasons. But if someone wants to wear track pants because she likes them, or isn't superficial enough to obsess over fashion, anyone who gets turned off for that reason is too superficial to make a good husband.

I clearly stated you did not have to be a supermodel or fashionista. Meaning you don't have to know the ins and outs of fashion but at least put actual clothes on. Track pants when worn on a daily basis scream "I'm lazy!" I'm not superficial but I can at least throw on jeans and a nice shirt. Also it doesn't matter if you think it makes someone superficial to not be attracted to someone when they see you wearing track pants everyday. It's a fact that people judge you based on your appearance when they first see you. Your opinion of the fact is irrelevant. If they get to know you and you have a pleasant personality and they still judge you unkindly on your wardrobe THEN they are superficial. Wanting to look nice and/or be with someone that looks nice doesn't make you superficial at all. It doesn't mean you have to be obsessed either. Just simply means you have pride in yourself and care about the first impression you leave on people.

Pensu 12

Taking pride in yourself and caring what other people think about your choice of pants are hardly mutually exclusive. There is a big different between going out and about unwashed and just wearing whatever you want to wear.

perdix 29

#35, aw, I'm sorry. Send me a picture of that big ol' ass of yours and I'll reconsider my opinion. Just as an academic matter. It's not like I'd derive some kind of perverse sexual gratification from examining a well-lit photo of your ass, lightly oiled ;)

secret_ninja_gal 12

I love track/sweat pants... Aw well, guess your sister is going to get married before me...

It depends, I don't see much wrong with it - I wear that stuff- but I guess Panda_Lou has a point. Mind you - I really dont take any care of my appearance unless I am going out. But I really should I guess ><

Hey now that's not entirely true...op could always get some male attention from her picture posted on people of wal-mart.