By andifalls - 24/01/2011 05:11

Today, my 70 year old grandma was yelling at me to take a pregnancy test, in the middle of Walmart. I'm 16, still a virgin and haven't had a boyfriend since I was 13. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 511
You deserved it 3 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrLaryRottweila 1

I think she is the one who needs a pregnancy test. indirectly asking you to ge it for her.


I think she is the one who needs a pregnancy test. indirectly asking you to ge it for her.

The_Moustache 6

But if granny told OP to use it, then chances are, she makes OP use it when they get home. Therefore, unless granny has a weird fetish, the granny would have no use of the used test.

daaron 3

granny seems cool lol what have you been doing

Maybe me and you OP should get together. lol I'm being serious.

"Still" a virgin at 16? you must be from Skankville.

the op said still, so I would agree with above person she must be from a town where the high school chicks are *****, otherwise she could've just wrote I'm a virgin. As to your comment about perverted thoughts about 16 year old girls (check my age before calling me a creep) maybe they should stop wearing the tightest and shortest shorts they can find along with the lowest cutting shirts, I have no idea how their parents let them wear it at all. If I have a daughter in the future shed be lucky as he'll if I let her wear any of the shit teenage girls do today -.-

14 - if you have a daughter it sounds like she'll have no fun and never be allowed to make her own choices. I'd hate to be your offspring.

'otherwise she could've just wrote I'm a virgin.' Yeah. She could. But I really don't see the use of it. In my opinion, the sentence 'I am still a virgin' is not only much prettier than 'I am a virgin', it also accentuates the virgin-part even more. OP probably wrote it that way for the last reason. Nothing wrong with that. It also doesn't automatically mean she lives in Skankville. Having sex before your sixteenth also doesn't automatically mean you're a *****. Thought I just point that out.

What a funny thing to say.I wouldnt let my kids wear reavealing shit too, if id have any in the future. But Yeah your right... STILL a Virgin. I hope she wants to keep her virginity,it shouldnt be something to look forward to.

15 are you one of those slutty teenage girls? sounds like it. there's a difference between having fun and either actually ******* every boy in school or even just looking like you would.

she probably means still a virgin as in I'm not gonna be a virgin all of my life :/ gosh... big deal! -.-

badintentions 0

I agree, Good for her for being a virgin still.

You shouldn't have to dress like a hooker to have fun.

You people are retarded. I lost my virginity at 16. I'm now 21 and have had sex with a total of three guys, all of whom I didn't have sex with until at least 4 months into the relationship. Early sex does not a ***** make. God forbid any of you men ever see a ****** in your life, you'll probably pass out from shock. Humans have sex. If they're intelligent, they do it responsibly. Get over it.

40 - But most people aren't very intelligent.

40 is angry because she is from Skankville :D

40, there's an age of consent for a reason. Not only are girls who have sex that young making a poor decision for themselves, but they could be getting someone else into trouble.

lenamartinovic 13

well I'd much rather control my daughter's life than have her come home with +'s on her pregnancy test.

See that's the problem nowadays, you don't get to be your own person and make your own decisions until you are an adult! That's why an adult is considered a "grown up". Your kids will be pregnant at 12 or in jail at 15 and ull wonder where you went wrong! Dumbass!!!

I guess there are some rumours going on...

AmadeusMop 0

OP - Did she say "take" a pregnancy test or "get" a pregnancy test? Because if she said the latter, she might have meant "buy", as in for future usage. It usually doesn't hurt to be prepared.

And it is useful to buy a pregnancy test if you're only 16, not in a sexual relationship and children are yet not something you are concerned about becaaaaauuuuse? Buying a pregnancy test for OP is the same as buying tampons for a 4-year-old girl. Stupid.

sallen0046 4

You're assuming the only menstruating female grandma knows is the 16 year old OP. She could have been picking up a test that someone else had asked for, or that someone had added to the shopping list.

Not a boyfriend since you were 13? You need to get a move on :P

Buy it, use it, then slap her across the face with it and show her the negative results :)