By andifalls - 24/01/2011 05:11

Today, my 70 year old grandma was yelling at me to take a pregnancy test, in the middle of Walmart. I'm 16, still a virgin and haven't had a boyfriend since I was 13. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 504
You deserved it 3 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrLaryRottweila 1

I think she is the one who needs a pregnancy test. indirectly asking you to ge it for her.


She's senile. Buy the test, draw a line on it with a pen, tell her the child is hers and demand she pays support.

I find it sad that the op seems to think its bad to be 16 and still a virgin with out any relationship since she was 13. There's nothing at all wrong with that, who would possibly ever say that there is??!?!

It's not that she thinks it bad. She is just pointing out that her grandmother thinks she is a tramp despite the fact that not only has she been single for 3 years but is a virgin as well.

dave04045 1

lol that's why you go to Walmart to make yourself feel better.

mdkid 0

must have been quite embarrassing

agree, FYL. nevertheless; start having this amazing thing called sex.

you're still a virgin, and you haven't had a boyfriend in 3 years? you must be prude, or uglyy. time to spread them legs,(; it's worth it!!