By sigsigsignify - 06/12/2018 14:00

Today, my 3 year old future niece was combing my hair while I was watching a movie with the future in-laws. She kept leaving saying she was going to "go get the comb wet". I assumed she meant in the bathroom sink. Turns out she was just going around behind the couch and licking it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 471
You deserved it 432

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

I assumed toilet. This actually isn't so bad.

whiskey'swino 15

From a 3 year old, not so bad. I thought she was peeing on it. There is this awesome product called shampoo. Use it and your life won't be a FML anymore.


That’s gross. There’s now spit in your hair, and she was licking a comb. Every aspect of this is gross.

bl3ur0z3 17

I assumed toilet. This actually isn't so bad.

whiskey'swino 15

From a 3 year old, not so bad. I thought she was peeing on it. There is this awesome product called shampoo. Use it and your life won't be a FML anymore.

She just prepared you to be ready for your future children.

Could have been worse, she could have been plunging it in the toilet.

It was just drool I totally so that going in the direction of her dipping it in the toilet.

StagGT 13

I feel like that's worse for her