Teenage zealot

By Anonymous - 29/05/2023 15:00

Today, my daughter was complaining about having no friends. My son told her it’s her own fault for attending church 3 times a week and trying to convert everyone at school like a Jehovah's witness who you can’t shut the door on. He’s 100% right but now she won’t stop crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 885
You deserved it 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, someone had to tell her. He did both her and her classmates a huge favour

Have her study the Spanish expansion into the Americas to see what that sort of religion ram-drive behavior results in...


Have her study the Spanish expansion into the Americas to see what that sort of religion ram-drive behavior results in...

Well, someone had to tell her. He did both her and her classmates a huge favour

your fault for raising your child like that tbh

ODBeefalo 10

child could be on the spectrum and latched to religion. if this is the case it wouldn't matter what the parents did up to this point. I am no religious person, but OP should teach her to dial it down and that not everyone cares. and if she's on the spectrum now is the time to start.

Not necessarily. Parent could belong to a mainstream religion and the teenager could have become a JW.

mccuish 25

Someone had to say it. The parents just didn’t have the balls to say something

She can hang out with her church group of like-minded church goers.