By Chessmomma3 - 10/05/2019 01:00

Today, my 18-month-old found our "naughty drawer." I found her carrying a "toy" all over the house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 382
You deserved it 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

That’s what happens when 18 month olds are left unsupervised.

She probably won’t remember that and you have time to buy a lock box for your vile recreational gadgets!


julfunky 29

That’s what happens when 18 month olds are left unsupervised.

She probably won’t remember that and you have time to buy a lock box for your vile recreational gadgets!

Oops! Better put that under lock and key. :D Hopefully you didn't have any company! And if she's that young, I'm sure she'll never remember. Could be a funny story for the future, though! Also, I see the site has changed a bit again. Is anyone else having an issue where clicking on either FYL or YDI actually causes both to get selected?

Ya sometimes it does but my biggest issue is the icon for thumbs up or down doesn't work or when it does it automatically causes a AD to play

I see it too, but I wonder if it's that both sides are being updated with other votes that have come in since you opened the page. I notice that the ones I've voted on go up by more than one vote.

bloopaloop 27

They probably had it in their mouth

Obviously, you are very loose and careless with your drawers — which is why you have an 18-month-old?

Was your "Naughty Drawer" Just your nightstand? Not hard to find if it's in plain sight..

Unless you had the house full with guests, I don't see what the big deal is. But please pay more attention to what your child does. You should be glad it was only a toy and not something dangerous that looked like candy or something or something that can cut off body parts.