Help! I need somebody!

By Anonymous - 30/10/2021 02:00 - Sweden

Today, I finally built up the courage to seek professional help for my eating disorder. Apparently I don't meet the criteria, so I was denied help and got sent away. So basically, I'll have to get even sicker for them to take me seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 006
You deserved it 95

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

But you’ve acknowledged it and you’ve taken the hardest step to getting better, don’t let shitty health care systems set you back now, keep looking for better help

This happened to me when I first sought help for my eating disorder too. Sadly, services are very stretched so they prioritise based on severity criteria - an unfortunate truth, but they have to prioritise who is essentially most at risk of death. This isn't personal, or saying you're not good enough somehow - it's risk management. I know it must be incredibly disheartening, but do keep trying. I did. A year later, I re-accessed the service I'd originally tried (I had, sadly gotten worse and then met their criteria), and got the help I needed. Changed my life and I've now been recovered for almost a decade.


Nikki 17

But you’ve acknowledged it and you’ve taken the hardest step to getting better, don’t let shitty health care systems set you back now, keep looking for better help

This happened to me when I first sought help for my eating disorder too. Sadly, services are very stretched so they prioritise based on severity criteria - an unfortunate truth, but they have to prioritise who is essentially most at risk of death. This isn't personal, or saying you're not good enough somehow - it's risk management. I know it must be incredibly disheartening, but do keep trying. I did. A year later, I re-accessed the service I'd originally tried (I had, sadly gotten worse and then met their criteria), and got the help I needed. Changed my life and I've now been recovered for almost a decade.

Royal Sataness 4

Try another place. Don't get discouraged. someone out there will have the resources to help before you get worse. you've taken the hardest step and admitted there's a problem. your recovery is already started. recruit loved ones to help in the mean time until you find the right professional. and don't just settle for anyone, find the right fit. you can do this.

Then get sicker. I've known people who needed to intentionally get fatter to qualify for gastric bypass surgery. You want to play in our ******-up health care game, you gotta play by their ******-up rules.