Ask first, snoop later

By Jenna Berreth - 07/10/2019 16:00

Today, I was trying to find my missing purple pen in the house I share with my boyfriend and his 57 year-old mother. I checked her room just in case, only to open a drawer and be greeted by a dildo. I’m never going to unsee that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 657
You deserved it 3 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the one going through someone else's stuff. And without permission. I don't know why you feel like you are the victim.


why would you be opening her drawer in the first place? I'm pretty sure you should ask before opening drawers SMH. I mean she probably let you in her room but still you don't open drawers without permission lmao

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

who knew an old woman would have a ***** 😮🙄 🙃

You're the one going through someone else's stuff. And without permission. I don't know why you feel like you are the victim.

You deserved that. Don't ever go through other people's things without their permission. That's just disrespectful.

julfunky 29

Why the hell are you going through someone’s drawers for a PEN? FFS it must be dreadful to live with you.

You’re so understocked on writing utensils, that you have to share one with 2 other people?

It would be ironic if she were looking for a purple pen and found a purple pen-is.

Annie's Boobs has your pen, but you'll have to wait for Ken Jeong to get it back for you.