By ohn0es - 23/01/2009 10:45 - United States

Today, just another casual morning. I went to go drop a deuce in the bathroom. Barely being awake I didn't notice my roommates had put glad wrap between the seat and toilet, so i got piss and shit all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 306
You deserved it 5 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

go to the dollar store and buy some alarm clocks. set them for different times and hide them in their room, always a good prank. :)

that is toooooo ******* funny. not really life fukkery tho. Just a prank. Think of some wicked way to get back at em!


I just love that prank! Everyone says its too stupid and obvious, but there's hell to pay when it works. *EVIL GRIN*

MiGman 5

ahhhh the classic glad on the toilet seat. can't believe you actually fell for that

ohk, for all the illiterates, he/she said "was barley awake". if the lights are most likely off in the middle of the night, all circumstances are set up just perfect. during the day its a different story. next time, read more carefully before talking, and making yourself sound like an ass hole... i'm over here in Afghanistan, protecting this type of people? i hope not all americans are like this...

Not all but a good amount im afraid im in america and i can honestly say ive seen and heard about a good amount of americans this and much much stupider too hope you comeback ok good luck

hahahhah you stupid ******* teat :D amazing .. just amazing.

One word of advice for you: VENGEANCE!!!!

butterz69 0

That beast I'm gonna do that now

freddykrueger56 2

Just laugh it off then kill them later

PhishloverA 14

Ok choose which roommate you want to get back. Then, pull your pants down (I'm not gay, I'm just telling you how to get revenge) and go stand sideways over his door, putting one foot to the right of the door and the other to the left. Put your hands on the wall across from you. When your roommate walks out just crap right in his face.