By Anonymous - 19/10/2017 19:00 - Germany - Berlin

Today, I have to defend my bachelor thesis, which took me 10 months to complete. Three weeks ago, a new technology was released that renders my entire work obsolete. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 472
You deserved it 288

Top comments

Not sure your field but most companies that would be using the methods you researched won't be financially able to pay for and train on new technologies immediately. Your work is still valid!

I hope you're good a bullshitting. You're going to need it.


I hope you're good a bullshitting. You're going to need it.

really_dad? 14

Lie Op. Lie your ass through it and tell them how often technology breaks down. Then you improvise on what you just said to emphasize the point. We're here to support you op

BSing on your thesis is REALLY not advisable- it can get the entire thing invalidated and you have to start over. Hell, some programs will straight up kick you out for falsifying information.

Not sure your field but most companies that would be using the methods you researched won't be financially able to pay for and train on new technologies immediately. Your work is still valid!

I’ll bet being Amish has never seemed so appealing.

Lobby_Bee 17

New technologies are rarely proven when newly introduced, you better make sure yours is foolproof.

See if there's anything in the information on the new tech that you can actually use to support your thesis- cost of the new method vs the old, component material availability, safety, conversion cost and time, lack of data on long term sustainability or efficiency. You could have a case like with solar panels when they were first designed- they capitalized on a form of energy nothing else really had at the time, but were too expensive to make on a practical scale with the technology at the time, and had maintenance costs that further made them impractical.

Obsolescence does not mean uselessness.

What is it? A ***** that can cuddle and iron?