By keifer13 - 03/06/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, it was my high school graduation. I brought my camera to capture these last memories, only to discover that the batteries were dead. When I got home and went to change them, I realized they were not dead, they were just put in the wrong way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 634
You deserved it 56 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Graduated from high school but can't check batteries... You fail


This is a YDI for not checking the first time and FYL for being that stupid and graduating high school. I still can't get over your stupidity.

Sounds like something I would do. Actually- I have done that before! It sucks!! & to all the people who say the OP is a dumbass- just to let you know some people make ******* mistakes. And they suck. I'm sure all of you guys who said that have done something like that before. So STFU!

This is why reach for the rainbow should never go public. Zing.

Even though that is a really stupid mistake, I'm so sorry! You know what, Go on Facebook and steal some of your friends pictures. ;-) They aren't 'your memories' per-say but at least you'll have something. Also, Now you can have your batteries flipped the right way for all those Senior Parties... ha Good luck!

haha that sounds like something that would happen to me. :X

Foolycooly 0

Is today **** up high school day cried? Instead of watching and remembering it in your HEAD? Yeah it sucks that the camera died but now all you have is tear filled memories of your boyfriend graduating. Well done. And this "fml" sucks.

Wow. Do you plan to go to college, cause I don't think they'll let in idiots like you that can't put batteries in right.