By stinkerweeder - 05/02/2011 20:30 - United States

Today, it was both my and my stepmother's birthday. In preparation, my dad bought a huge banner with my stepmother's name on it, and a lovely birthday cake. When I told him it was also my birthday, he just grunted and taped a post-it note to the banner with my name on it. Same with the cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 813
You deserved it 3 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babyblue666 1

as soon as u can u need to leave there is no reason ur dad should be putting anyone before his own child

Raaaawr123 0

Your dad didn't know it was your birthday? wow great dad.


So to the step mothers out there, don't **** with a father and daughter because you will never win!!!!! My dads parents like my mom better than they will ever like my step mom. You may not see it right away but cut him off and not talk to him and it will wear on him. She can never fill ur shoes!

sounds like my life.... I feel ya on this one man

jeez, your dad forgot your birthday!

mayndaapathetic 4

oh my god . . your dad is mr krabs ! but in al seriousness that is so messed up . im sorry that really sucks :(

same with my step mom except my bday is before hers and she insisted that we celebrate on her bday. bitch

AtomicBryce 0

omg just like my dad except he wasn't married to the hoe it was just some chick he mad out with

levifire 5

i dont like these ones where people complain because they dont get a party or anything ive gone 3 years without a party gift or anything and its not a big deal