By stinkerweeder - 05/02/2011 20:30 - United States

Today, it was both my and my stepmother's birthday. In preparation, my dad bought a huge banner with my stepmother's name on it, and a lovely birthday cake. When I told him it was also my birthday, he just grunted and taped a post-it note to the banner with my name on it. Same with the cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 813
You deserved it 3 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babyblue666 1

as soon as u can u need to leave there is no reason ur dad should be putting anyone before his own child

Raaaawr123 0

Your dad didn't know it was your birthday? wow great dad.


This is horrible. I'm in a horrible ******* step-parent situation too. Driving me mad. I agree SO much with this comment, you should DEFINITELY do it. "I would get a friend to pretend it was their birthday on your dad's birthday. and host a "surprise" party for her/him at your house. when your dad tells you off just mention what he did and walk off." Hope you have fun with that.... Hope your dad's birthday is soon......

XXTandAlover76XX 0

Jesus Christ you'd think a so called father would 1. remember his own daughters birthday and 2. he wouldn't be such an asshole about it when u reminded him of it.

Bludmagnus 13

This one is just more validation for why kids immediately don't like a potential step. I know a step or three that go out of their way to make everything smooth over, and never take advantage of situations like that. The problem is, for every decent and caring one, there are three or four others out there who are just like that. There is NO PUSSY so good it gives you a right to forget your kids..... none.

FML_CDF90622 0

Wow. Ur dad must have some mental problem by loving a stupid woman that's not even ur mother more than his own daughter!

Levini 0

yeah ... but I'd do this... my dad forgot my birthday ... but u know what I did for myself on my day ... movies , book shop , coffee , some clothes ... on his card ... u don't need a party to have fun ... for me IMO a latte can do . especially when at the mall alone

cutiekenz21 0

shit on the cake then light the banner on fire... it's the only resonable thing to do...

Completely cut him out of your life. I didn't talk to my dad for 8 months because of his wife. (their wedding day is July 30 and my b day is July 31) She also wouldn't let him give me money for school books. He learned that i was serious and so he uses the motto what she doesn't know won't hurt her.