By garfwebba - 03/01/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend didn't get me a present. He did, however, get me a card from our cat. He signed it "Have a purrrrfect birthday." Then he left to go to work. I was alone all day long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 475
You deserved it 6 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ohh noo!!! He was going to work making a living and you were left all alone to do nothing? That's too cruel!

...What? At least he remembered. It's not like he can take a day off just because it's your birthday, you know. The fact that you were alone all day was your own fault, get some friends.


terror_twins 0

Men can be assholes. you would think that maybe your birthday would be one of those days they could afford to take off. I feel horrible for you

Geez, how selfish can you get, demanding that someone takes a day off because it's -your- birthday. Newsflash: Unless you've got a few days left, you can't just take a day off from work, only official holidays, illness or the death of a close relative nets you that. Not the birthday of some ungrateful bitch.

palmtrees 1

Not to mention that there are industries in which days off are simply not really an option... I think it's pretty absurd that the OP expected her boyfriend not to go to work just because it was her birthday.

be happy he at least did that my bf of two years didn't get me anything on mine so stop whining.

Nigga had to work, how you gonna get mad at him gettin money? ******* women

ElMundio87 0

Disregard women Acquire currency

That is correct. Acquire currency first, and then women will follow you like you are the second coming of Christ.

I didn't get my gf shit for our anniversary. OP is an ungrateful bitch and so are you other ****** who can't see that at least he did SOMETHING for her birthday and at least tried toake it look cute. So sue the poor bastard for having a job, Jesus!

@24: See, that's the problem with a lot of women these days. Everything has to be all about them, forget the consequences! What if an attendance policy is in strict effect? You think in this economy people aren't lined up to replace him? Gee, it's really too bad he couldn't get you a unicorn that pisses rainbows and craps diamonds! And don't even get me started on that stupid "If he wants to see you he'll find a way." Women don't understand men any more than men understand women.

And how much you want to bet the OP forgets her boyfriend on his birthday, valentines and christmas??

to the person asking what misogynistic meant, comment 31 is an example of this kind of attitude, but you probably know that now, but felt the need to clarify... jeez why do i keep looking at this fml and commenting? im such a sad person :/

cookies_for_you 0

oh boo-hoo, he worked on your birthday? big freaking deal, at least he gave you a card, even if it was "signed from the cat". quit your whining, at least he has a job. being alone on your birthday isn't his problem, get some friends and stop making your live revolve around him.

maybe if you wernt so materialistic you wouldn't care what you get, so what if he had to go to work at least he has a job, maybe you should get some friends and stop being so self absorbed at least he rememberd and did something for you, I think he needs a new gf

This. OP is a total brat. I can imagine her still posting here if he had got her a gift. "OMG TODAY MY BF GOT ME A NICE CARD AND GIFT BUT THEN LEFT ME TO GO MAKE A LIVING HOW RUDE"