It's mine now

By Anonymous - 26/04/2020 20:00

Today, my best friend's boyfriend stole her car, so now she wants my car, the one that I just bought from her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 650
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She sold it, now it is yours, and you don't have to do anything other than remind her he stole hers and she has to call the police, then he will have to give it back! Don't complicate easy matters.

Time to sell it back to her and make a healthy profit.


Time to sell it back to her and make a healthy profit.

She sold it, now it is yours, and you don't have to do anything other than remind her he stole hers and she has to call the police, then he will have to give it back! Don't complicate easy matters.

Sell her the car for the price you paid, with an option to buy it back at a lower price depending on the mileage and condition it is returned in.

Sounds like you have bad taste in friends and she has bad taste in boyfriends! I agree with every one. Sell her the car back but with a profit!

It’s yours, you bought it. I would tell her where to stick it

Lol!, give her a buss ticket and call it even

randybryant799 20

So don't give it to her? I don't understand why you'd even consider it. That's absurd.