By ilivealoneandwhatthefuck - 23/06/2013 17:02 - Guam - Yigo

Today, it's been weeks since some asshat started placing gnomes in my front and back yards. I resorted to setting up cameras, which I thought had deterred the idiot, until I walked into my kitchen this morning and found two gnomes on the counter. Nothing on the tapes. I'm freaking out here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 284
You deserved it 4 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments


They rank 2nd after cuckoo's clocks in utterly dreadfull pointless ugly tasteless human inventions.

Wizzlbang 10

****, man Don't touch any of the gnomes, you'll only make them angry

Agreed. Don't touch those gnomes, OP. Don't touch those gnomes!

You really suck at setting up cameras if you forgot the ******* doorway. YDI.

Get an alarm system also...and maybe have a cop keep an eye on the house...

imonkeyface 9

I would've nope'd out of there by now.

You like someone to potentially break in to your house (or just let themselves in) and place gnomes in various places? Would that not freak you out???

My grandmother use to do something like this to her neighbor when my dad was a kid. She would take a pink polka-dot elephant, put it outside, freak out their drunk neighbor and when it was morning and he was sober, she took the elephant back. freaked him out every time .

My next door neighbor was terrified of pink lawn flamingos. Said they were watching her and telling the Man. Guess what the neighborhood kids decided to put in her front yard one random day a week?

Oh my goodness! I love your grandma, and I don't even know the woman. At least she probably got the guy to attend AA.

I told them gnomeageddon was coming, but no, they didn't want to listen.