By Des - 11/05/2019 18:00

Today, it’s been 3 weeks since I had an interview for an internship this summer. I’ve applied to over 40 internships over the past 6 months, and this was the only interview I’ve had. I banked my entire summer on this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 692
You deserved it 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Internships are hit or miss. If you really wanted to know, you could have also taken the initiative and called in the following week asking if they've made a decision.

I don’t think you got it. Just become an Uber/Lyft driver until self-driving cars take away that option, too.


I don’t think you got it. Just become an Uber/Lyft driver until self-driving cars take away that option, too.

Internships are hit or miss. If you really wanted to know, you could have also taken the initiative and called in the following week asking if they've made a decision.

welcome to how real life works. 40 applications in 6 months? what? are you lazy? do 40 a day, since you clearly need way more than that to get more interviews, for an internship or a real job. mommy lied to you, life isn't sunshine and daisies, better you find that hard work doesn't always mean you get what you want. suck it up and try again