By "The Cat Tickler" - 11/05/2019 16:00

Today, I took a flight from Seattle to Oregon but missed my flight back home to California because the flight attendant came in late and delayed our flight take off time. Then I was told the only way to get California was to go back to Seattle and fly to California from there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 910
You deserved it 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make the flight attendant rent a car and drive you to California. That’s only fair.

Same thing happened to my husband and myself when we were flying from Texas to North Carolina with a layover. One of the flight attendants overslept by an hour. We knew we were going to miss the layover so we went to the staff before we ever boarded in Texas to explain they would need to reschedule us on another flight once we reached our layover, and they swore to us up and down that we would make the scheduled layover no problem. The pilot would just fly "faster." I said it's already an hour late and making that layover would break the laws of physics, but they insisted. Sure enough, we missed the layover, and because they didn't reschedule us when we asked, we were stuck 12 hours at an airport that was about a 2 hour drive away from our destination. The airline wouldn't compensate for our flight or even for a rental car, they didn't do jack or all for us even though it was entirely the fault of their staff.


Yeah... that's not how flights work.

bubbat101 36

Actually, it depends. I was flying to Montana one time and I flew out of Portland OR to San Francisco, to Montana.

Probably flying Alaska Air. They do have flights like that. Sometimes I’ll fly home to AK from Vegas and some of their flights will go thru Seattle, back to Portland, and continuing to AK.

Make the flight attendant rent a car and drive you to California. That’s only fair.

Same thing happened to my husband and myself when we were flying from Texas to North Carolina with a layover. One of the flight attendants overslept by an hour. We knew we were going to miss the layover so we went to the staff before we ever boarded in Texas to explain they would need to reschedule us on another flight once we reached our layover, and they swore to us up and down that we would make the scheduled layover no problem. The pilot would just fly "faster." I said it's already an hour late and making that layover would break the laws of physics, but they insisted. Sure enough, we missed the layover, and because they didn't reschedule us when we asked, we were stuck 12 hours at an airport that was about a 2 hour drive away from our destination. The airline wouldn't compensate for our flight or even for a rental car, they didn't do jack or all for us even though it was entirely the fault of their staff.

tounces7 27

Yeah America is bullshit when it comes to Airline liability. They can cost you hundreds of dollars and don't have to do shit for it. We need laws more like Europe has, but America is owned by Corporations 100%.

Why don’t you just fly from Seattle to California?

wow, americans get shafted. whenever there is a delay of a flight that has a layover, the airline reschedules any layovers on the next available flight, might have to wait a while, but at least you get home. seems like MURICA doesn't care

tounces7 27

Yeah America is bullshit when it comes to Airline liability. They can cost you hundreds of dollars and don't have to do shit for it. We need laws more like Europe has, but America is owned by Corporations 100%.

tounces7 27

Yeah America is bullshit when it comes to Airline liability. They can cost you hundreds of dollars and don't have to do shit for it. We need laws more like Europe has, but America is owned by Corporations 100%.