By TheLibrarian - 27/10/2018 05:00

Today, after being jobless for 2 years, I got a call back for an interview. I was ecstatic until I saw the date. It's the same day I leave for a weeklong, nonrefundable vacation. I applied for the job 6 weeks ago, and since not hearing anything bought the vacation 2 weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 284
You deserved it 1 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you book a vacation after being jobless for 2 years? How did you have money to do that? You've basically been on vacation for 2 years. YDI, especially if you're dumb enough to choose a vacation over a job.

Uh, the job's more important. It gives you money, which then leads to a roof over your head, food in your belly, and all the materialistic things you think you need to be happy. You might lose the money spent on your vacation, but that's kinda your fault for going the non-refundable route.


Uh, the job's more important. It gives you money, which then leads to a roof over your head, food in your belly, and all the materialistic things you think you need to be happy. You might lose the money spent on your vacation, but that's kinda your fault for going the non-refundable route.

Unfortunately a job interview doesn’t mean job offer. It would suck if op missed the vacation only to not get the job

Why would you book a vacation after being jobless for 2 years? How did you have money to do that? You've basically been on vacation for 2 years. YDI, especially if you're dumb enough to choose a vacation over a job.

They never said they definitively chose the vacation over the job. That wasn't the point.

tapdancecolumbia 14

"YDI ESPECIALLY IF..." As in, they deserve it, with extra deserving should they choose the vacation over the job. (And I agree.)

Jobless for two years but can book a weeklong vacation? Something isn’t adding up here.

GreenReaper 13

YDI for going on vacation when you don't have a job. Vacations are luxuries, not necessities. Either you have enough money in your savings that you don't need the job, or you don't and you're a total idiot for spending money on vacations instead of food and rent.

Emma Marshall 19

Go on the holiday. You've paid for it so it'll just be wasted money and it's a job interview so it's not guaranteed.

Mungolikecandy 19

I once was unemployed for six months. I could not afford to go on a holiday as all the money I had was reserved to cover the bills until I got another job.

I can't feel too bad if you can still afford a vacation after 2 years of unemployment. I literally didn't even have enough in my bank account to buy a 3 dollar bus ticket to my orientation after 2 years. I mean I had my credit card but I couldn't even pay back the 3 dollars on time. And maybe you put the vacation on credit, which if you're unemployed sounds incredibly stupid, maybe you have the money I dunno either way can't really feel bad about that. And is this the only job you've applied for in the last 6 weeks. This one job from 6 weeks ago hadn't called you so you decided to book a vacation. You weren't waiting on any other potential employers to call you? Or you just didn't care about them. Kind of seeing why you've been unemployed for 2 years.

you deserve it if you can buy a vacation being 2 year unemployed..... I can't even afford lunch 4 days after getting paid

OP, any chance to reschedule interview for the following week? Good luck!

Christ alive...we've got an enabler here! The holiday is unwarranted, not earnt and undeserved. People like you need to realise why everything is so ****** up and start doing your bit to unfuck it.

People don’t have to earn a vacation. You have no idea what else is happening in their life. **** off with your useless judgement.

Stop going after OP when we don't know how she was able to have no job for two years and book a vacation. Even people who are financially stable ,for whatever reason, and don't need a job might want a job