By Avdhut Joshi - 11/05/2019 23:30 - India - Thane

Today, I set an alarm to wake up for a football match. I woke up after it finished. Turns out, I set my alarm to 12:15 p.m. instead of a.m. I ended up missing one of my team's best performances. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 106
You deserved it 1 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good thing you weren’t there to screw it up.

STFU01 14

Set the DVR the next time so you can watch later...


12:15 am is midnight, 12:15 pm is mid afternoon, so was the event in the middle of the night or were you trying to get there 10 hours early? Do you normally wake up after noon?

PenguinPal3017 19

They meant to set it for AM. They wake up before noon. They set their alarm wrong.

PenguinPal3017 19

The event was likely on tv, taking place in another country. I feel like people are insane for not understanding any of this.

But I feel like if it was on TV, they could have just recorded it and watched it at a more convinient time instead of waking up in the middle of the night to watch it. Most TV's have the technology for that now. Even so, staying up till midnight shouldn't have been that difficult if it was such an important game to watch...

Good thing you weren’t there to screw it up.

But getting plenty of rest is a good thing! Your body will thank you later. :-)

Was it a match that was being broadcast from another country, or do you and a load of your friends play night football?

bloopaloop 27

How did you accidentally sleep in 12 hours??

PenguinPal3017 19

They didn't. Their alarm didn't wake them up! Come on people! It's not that hard. They probably went to sleep at like 9 pm and woke up at 4 am.

PenguinPal3017 19

My android phone said "alarm set for X hours Y minutes". It prevented this mistake. I moved to iPhone and now I get anxiety sometimes that I will set my alarm incorrectly.

STFU01 14

Set the DVR the next time so you can watch later...

Nhayaa 21

That never happens with the 24h system. But I never hear my alarm clocks so I guess it doesn't really matter wether I set them up at the right time or not...

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Definitely not American football.

Phil 14

Get an analog clock, then you won't have that problem lol.