By Clader - 10/12/2008 03:09 - France

Today, it's 2:23 in the morning, and my drunken girlfriend has just rung me up from a party where she's the only girl there. She seems to be having a great time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 628
You deserved it 2 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

but see going to a party as the only girl and then calling at 2am DRUNK would make anybody worry. trust isn't such a big part of the equation when booze is added in.


Did She atleast Invite you if not then you got a problem...(been there)

You should trust your girlfriend as long as she hasn't given you reason not to. Going to a party as the only girl is not a reason. Stop trying to control the one you love - if there's not trust it's not going to work out anyway, and if they cheat on you you very likely couldn't have prevented them from doing so by being more controlling, and then they don't deserve your attention. I know this sounds easier than it is.

but see going to a party as the only girl and then calling at 2am DRUNK would make anybody worry. trust isn't such a big part of the equation when booze is added in.

It probably wouldn't be a problem if OP's girl wasn't drunk. Drunk is the key word

"She seems to be having a great time" I would say is code for something?

You don't seem to understand that he most likely means shes getting gangbanged

waaaa, my girlfriend is having fun without me, waaaa.

if she's the only girl, i could come up with a few scenarios that could end bad. some people could over power her, and there's nobody there to help. She's drunk and does something (someone) she regrets, that could end a relationship. there's a number of things that could go wrong in that picture

1dvs_bstd 41

And if there's one thing we know about that, it's these hoes ain't loyal.

haha I was going to say the exact same thing as number one. At least she called haha

Yeah, she's with all these guys, but she called YOU. That should tell you something. And I agree with #3

DRUNK is the key word. She's probably cheating because people tend to do dumb things when they're drunk that they wouldn't do sober. Him being the one she calls doesn't matter, and it doesn't have anything to do ith this

I think she has a lot of male friends and a couple of them invited her to this party and went to make you jealous. I think something happened in the relationship to make her feel that way. so I guess it's working...?

haha, #1 and 8: you're good. I woulda thought that, too! It sounds like you're more pissed she woke you up cause she can't sleep. haha

"Today, I called my boyfriend while drunk at a party with all guys, he was such a whiney bitch about it I cant beleive I'm still with him. FML"