By anonomous - 07/02/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, it looks like I may have an STD. My fiancé and his friends went to Vegas two months ago. He says he's been completely faithful. They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Turns out that's not quite true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 002
You deserved it 4 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

softballer22 0

expect for herpes.. that shit will follow you back.

I wouldn't put up with that shit. Dump the jerk.


Jesterful009 0

haha! very good comeback! for all you little haters, y'all can learn from this dude. don't go out runnin your mouth about people you don't know. cause they may just make you sound RETARDED

**** 'im up. i'm a dude, and i recommend this. |the kid|

haha I hear a hangover quote coming to mind :)

That's because you're hearing the dozens of people who have already said them.

what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... except herpes, that sh*t comes back with you

movie steal "what ever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, except herpes (STD whatever) that sh!t comes back with you" which is "the hangover" lol

May I point out that this idiot chose the username "hotbabe85". Everyone who has been on the 'net longer than 5 minutes knows that anyone who chooses such a username has the body of John Candy, the ass of Sasquatch, the social life of a leper, 17 empty bags of Doritos, and a case of Mountain Dew next to his second-hand sofa bed.

yeahreally 6

Its what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas* * STDs not included.

the movie "the hangover" doesn't lie! what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas..except for herpes. that shit comes back.