By Icci - 12/12/2009 22:54 - United States

Today, at work I was playing football with one of my camp kids in the indoor-pool. I saw a co-worker walking by and I decided to hit him with the football. The football slipped out of my hand and I hit a lady in the face, breaking her nose, and causing her to fall and get a concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 695
You deserved it 37 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As my mom would say..."it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt...or acts like a dumbass." FHL, no sympathy for you.

jbells26 0

That seems more like an FML for HER, not you.


Not until you get hit by one too. OP next time think twice before throwing anything.

You can't play football in a pool you retard. Footbal requires you to be able to kick the ball freely, which you can't do in a pool.

American catch football, retard. You just throw a football back and forth in the pool. You don't have to use your feet.

quarty165 0

and how exactly is throwing a ball indoors any less retarded? Almost as dumb as naming a game where you use your feet once "football" - particularly when a much more popular sport by that name already exists.

Herp derp somebody say football??? Throw a shit fit!!

cowgod 0

run. or swim. whichever is faster. and the reason its called football is because america likes to be different

regardless, he means the catching game.

wow u people are lame. ur non american "football" (soccer) sucks. any game with no physical contact that usualy ends in a 1 to 1 tie is lame in my books. also op was in a pool so of corse they threw it inside what do u expect. to op: i hope u didnt get sued.

mexicutioner123 0

"today some rotten old whippersnapper was playing football and was going to throw it to his weirdo coworker and he slipped like a retard and threw it in my face and broke my nose. I'm sueing. FML PS: op YDI

I don't see how this is his fault. Accidents happens and it wasn't on purpose. OP, just make sure that you did apologize

that sucks, op. oh my, it appears as though I'm only second this time. I'll just have to try harder on the next fml. well done, thrill2000

mlauren 0

yessss! i am third! no one else can be third!

and fourth. congrats go throw urself a party, get drunk, and do something that will be put up here later. then go *** urself

Samir30Days 0

wow, you're third! congratulations! do you want a cookie?

I wasn't third... but can I have a cookie?

2npac 0

the fml is u getting fired right?

jbells26 0

That seems more like an FML for HER, not you.

I used to enjoy sitting by the pool like you do, but then I took a football to the nose.

mtpm 0

its not like he did it on purpose give him a break, I'm sure he feels bad already

He meant to hurt that co worker too

As my mom would say..."it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt...or acts like a dumbass." FHL, no sympathy for you.