By Anonymous - 31/12/2010 01:53 - United States

Today, instead of watching a movie like a normal family, we performed random acts of kindness by handing out roses to total strangers in the freezing cold. No one would take them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 568
You deserved it 6 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

freebird92 0

Aw that's sad. what u did was very nice.

FYLDeep 25

Why would someone take them? You were handing out roses to strangers in the freezing cold. People probably thought you were ****** in the head. Wouldn't want to get some sort of anthrax laced rose or something.


freebird92 0

Aw that's sad. what u did was very nice.

true , and the family are actually getting excersize (walking around) and their talking . while , watching a movie , everyone would be quiet / laughing , screaming , moaning .. etc (depending on the movie) and just sitting on the couch.

I hear the hip new hip families watch the erotics.

Come on guys it's almost 2011, stop being stuck in the stone age and watch some **** with your parents.

selene1_fml 0

Haha not everybody is comfortable watching **** with their parent spcially if your still a teen!

LightningLadyy 0

the worlds so full of badness people don't understand acts of kindness or generosity without thinking there's an ulterior motive, sad really

GunReaper, ftw = Frigid Tape Worms. You are welcome.

Well handing out flowers - most people would suspect that there is an ulterior motive and rather not getting into a talk about some weird religion or marketing initiative for some product nobody needs. Then there is the freezing cold thing - it's inconvenient carrying a flower in the first place, it's even more annoying when it's cold and you'd prefer to put your hands into your pockets. Also strangers ... well men typically don't like flowers - they don't get any joy out of them so what's the point? Just carrying some plant around - what a bother. Women are more likely to enjoy flowers, but then it would be a personal gift - a flower from someone means something. A flower from nobody in particular mean nothing. Good intentions, but volunteer at a soup kitchen instead. It's useful, a rewarding experience and you are not even out in the cold.

zp5 4

Why would you do that in the freezing cold?

iSitt 0

how much is a rose? hand out dollar bills instead. The only one you were kind to was the florist.

metal8214 0

how is this an act of kindness? I don't usually feel good about myself when some random person hands me a rose when im busy freezing my ass off

hey more roses for you guys! they're missing out

mimsicle95 0

Aww. that was so nice of you. well it's the thought that counts :)

MoldinRooster 0

Roses In The Freezing Cold? They Still Didn't Put Alot Of Thought Into It.

Roses In The Freezing Cold. Sounds like a really sad break-up song. Haha.

FYLDeep 25

Why would someone take them? You were handing out roses to strangers in the freezing cold. People probably thought you were ****** in the head. Wouldn't want to get some sort of anthrax laced rose or something.

6- Because everyone out there has cruel intentions, and would hand out anthrax laced roses. Sure........ People aren't allowed to show kindness to others, because everyone is so damn skeptical.

ThatLooksSticky 16

38 - Yep, that's pretty much how most people feel "nowadays."

Depending on OP's location, it could be a strange enough activity for people be freaked out by. Though I can't think of any place where such a thing is normal day-to-day routine. People usually *sell* roses, and these guys didn't feel like giving you money.

fthku 13

38 - Because the world is one big rainbow and everyone is full of good intentions.. What's kind about handing out a rose in the freezing cold anyway? that's dumb. Give them a heating pad instead.

MustangFilly77 9

That's sweet, I would have taken one!

MyChemical_fml 0

I agree, it's a rose in winter, they're not easy to find at that time. Heck, I wouldn't taken one and helped you hand them out.

No one in The City of Roses would accept a rose? What is this world coming to?

That's sweet, I really think that was by far the anti-fail for you, the fail is to people who didn't accept the roses ;)

you should be proud of yourselves for doing such selfless actions, good on you