By Ihatemylife - 03/03/2013 12:17 - Slovenia - Ljubljana

Today, in the middle of sex, my girlfriend asked me, "Are you sure you're a guy?" I still have no idea what that was for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 859
You deserved it 6 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, I hate it when a penis grows out of your ****** too, it causes so much confusion.


JumbleSarah 1

It was a compliment. Trust me.

Tell me when's the last time you saw your dick? (It's obviously very small)

j3ebrules 13

Maybe you're that good, you can pass for a lesbian?

Probably because you know what turns her on a bit too well

Perhaps you knew how to please her so well that she decided she'd ask for comedy's sake?