By kal - 28/02/2012 21:03 - United States

Today, in bio class, we were studying the reproductive system. I don't like talking about this stuff, and I twitched every time my teacher said "penis" or "vagina." When I told my family, they laughed and kept repeating those words just to see me twitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 522
You deserved it 36 994

Same thing different taste

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.....Well, OP, after reading this fml's responses, the good news is you should be a bit more desensitized to the words penis and/or ******, as it appears you'll be seeing those words tossed around a fair bit now. ;) I'm also seeing more vaginas than penises, guess it's just more popular? (And since I appreciate ****** more as well, I'll add to it's favour: ******. :P) Btw, I voted ydi, not for your affliction, but for being foolish enough to tell someone about it. Did you really think people wouldn't push that amusing button after you advertised it? ;) Sorry! Cheers!

Don't you know never to tell your family when something bothers you? Of course they're going to exploit it!

My brother hates the word 'bladder' so you're not alone. My family like to randomly drop the word into conversations to watch him squirm :D

I hate those words too! But I usually giggle when I hear them. Seventh grade sex ed was uncomfortable and the reproductive unit in health starts on Friday. I dread the day. FYL for sure!

Oh God. You don't like talking about this stuff? So you would prefer no sex-talk at all, so you could figure it out by yourself? Yeah, sounds like a great plan, according to all the teen pregnancies. Stop being a prude and grow up, OP. I will give sex and (more important) contraceptiontalks to my pupils, whether they are twelve or sixteen. Too many people don't know how their body functions and that's a shame.