By kal - 28/02/2012 21:03 - United States

Today, in bio class, we were studying the reproductive system. I don't like talking about this stuff, and I twitched every time my teacher said "penis" or "vagina." When I told my family, they laughed and kept repeating those words just to see me twitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 522
You deserved it 36 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It's people like you that give Bronies a bad name.

elmolostatcards 0

your not alone im learning about it to im very to myself and try not getting into this subject i recommend maybe you should try lol

Lyraa_fml 0

If you can't listen to those words like an adult you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce

I had to watch a video for health like that before and the start of it had a very detailed drawing of a guys testicals it was disturbing

tdawg4200 0

Testicles aren't disturbing, you're just a prude.

81 - I don't know. You haven't seen the shit they use as sprays for Team Fortress 2. *shudder*

bubo_fml 10

Sounds like some substitute words are in order...From now on, request that your teacher refer to the male genitalia as either; ding or dingus, dilly, dick, ****, tally whacker, dooflungus, johnson, john thomas, wedding tackle, pork sword, etc, etc...Oh yeah, and the female genitalia as pussy...

loudema 5

Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice