By owwthatfarts - 27/01/2017 11:53 - United States - Worcester

Today, one of my preschool students hit me in the nuts in front of my whole class. If that wasn't bad enough, the blow to my crotch instantly triggered a very audible fart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 031
You deserved it 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now they'll think that punching a man in the nuts creates a loud fart. You're going to hear from a lot of angry dads, uncles and older brothers.

diisneygirl 2

Bet the kids found that hilarious lol.


diisneygirl 2

Bet the kids found that hilarious lol.

Now they'll think that punching a man in the nuts creates a loud fart. You're going to hear from a lot of angry dads, uncles and older brothers.

It's the "pull my finger" of the new generation.

cootiequeen4444 11

Though I admit my inner child finds this FML rather amusing, I hope you punished the kid that hit you. Regardless of where you were hit, a kid hitting an authority figure is really bad news (not that hitting another kid would be any better). That definitely means a visit to the principal or whatever preschools have (not to mention a talk to the parents). Also touching (e.g. hitting) another's genitals is bad too now that I think about it. Regardless of whether it was sexual or not. The kid, all of the kids, need to know hitting people, especially in the crotch, is a big no no so they don't repeat the action at home (or anywhere) just to get the "funny fart reaction".

jcash52426 5

So what happened when an adult hit you in the nuts. Do you shit your pants?

cheshireau 26

Who cares about the loud fart, how are your testicles, mate? That would have been debilitating to experience in front of the class.

It's a shame kids that age rank farts "number one" on the list of shit that's "funny as heck"... i'd wear a cup from now on if I were you.

I'm almost 30, & I think farts are hysterical