By Anonymous - 04/10/2012 15:17 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I yet again had to explain to my boyfriend that, yes, I can get pregnant even if I don't actually have an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 034
You deserved it 4 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

I could be reading this wrong, but are you saying your boyfriend doesn't make you ******? If so, definitely FYL.


unknown_user5566 26

15- Idiocracy is the perfect example of that.

Does he also think mice grow up to be rats?

perdix 29

Then, explain to him that when you do have an ******, you don't necessarily get pregnant. Otherwise, your kid would look like your vibrator!

skyeyez9 24

Just because one went to sex ed doesn't mean they are knowledgeable on the subject, unless they did more research on their own. When I was in HS, sex ed only explained puberty, and how the reproductive organs worked. There was one 5 min discussion on std's but she was very vague. No discussion on contraceptives, proper use of contraceptives, the different types of std's...etc

skyeyez9 24

For fun, go to youtube and look up the 1950-1960s sex ed videos. OMG

If he's that stupid and clueless then I really hope that you never slept with him. Also, if you constantly have to explain simple things like this to him a lot, than your boyfriend is a dumbass and you're probably wasting your time with him.

alexNEX 7

You can also get pregnant through anal sex, where do you think assholes come from?