The nerve

By Ihatebackstabberz - 16/05/2022 00:01

Today, my boyfriend of 5 years left me for my best friend. She actually tried to “comfort” me saying that “Some relationships are just not meant to be,” and “Now you’re free to find your soulmate” and that “One day, it will all make sense.” Alexa, play “Ironic” by Alanis Morissette. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 213
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No, Alexa, that's just wrong. Play "You Oughta Know" instead." Or the reboot for the 2020's, "Good 4 U."

No, the 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife is ironic. If you have such an absurd number of one kind of flatware, it's ironic that you don't even have a single one of another common type.


"No, Alexa, that's just wrong. Play "You Oughta Know" instead." Or the reboot for the 2020's, "Good 4 U."

LOL, that's exactly what I thought! Writing with You Oughta know in the backgroud.

While I think your ex boy friend and ex best friend are awful people, Ironic by Alanis Morisette is a terrible choice to describe an ironic situation since none of the situations in that song are ironic, just unfortunate or stupid.

No, the 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife is ironic. If you have such an absurd number of one kind of flatware, it's ironic that you don't even have a single one of another common type.

True, but I was thinking that if she found said knife among ten thousand spoons and it turned out a spoon could've done the job, THAT'S ironic. She had ten thousand of the things. Also check out Ed Byrne, from whom I stole this.