Growing pains

By mirie - 20/05/2021 08:01

Today, it occurred to me that it’s not normal that I still fit into all my clothes from when I was in high school. I’m 24 and I haven’t outgrown any of my clothes since I was 12. FML
I agree, your life sucks 842
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am 30 and still have same clothes I was wearing on 8th grade photo. After 3 kids it's kind of great.

Marcella1016 31

This fml should be titled #Humblebrag haha Seriously OP enjoy it! My metabolism kicked in (wait...kicked out? basically just quit on me) after college and I don’t fit shit anymore. It’s pretty sucky after a life of not having to do much to stay skinny (yes I’m humble bragging too lol) and having to actually work at being normal-sized. Count your blessings and enjoy it while it lasts! I used to wish I was bigger and now I’m like what the hell was I thinking lol


I am 30 and still have same clothes I was wearing on 8th grade photo. After 3 kids it's kind of great.

tc201002 11

Don’t feel too bad about it. I graduated high school in 2006 and it took me about 10 years to grow out of my high school clothes. Just look on the bright if you still like the clothes then you save money

Marcella1016 31

This fml should be titled #Humblebrag haha Seriously OP enjoy it! My metabolism kicked in (wait...kicked out? basically just quit on me) after college and I don’t fit shit anymore. It’s pretty sucky after a life of not having to do much to stay skinny (yes I’m humble bragging too lol) and having to actually work at being normal-sized. Count your blessings and enjoy it while it lasts! I used to wish I was bigger and now I’m like what the hell was I thinking lol

This makes no sense, who said this isn’t normal? You should be glad you still fit in your clothes and that you didn’t get the “Freshman 15” after graduating high school. I sure am glad! I have not grown in height, or gained weight, since I stopped growing in the 5th grade and I am now 28. Aside from struggling with big boobs, so you know how much money I save in buying kid clothes when I can get away with it?

Some people would be very jealous of you (including me)

I've been 5'8 since I was 12 and most girls hit their growth spurts around 12-13, with boys being later. So it's not unusual height-wise to not get taller since HS. And be glad you haven't gotten wider!

To me this sounds more like bragging than a complaint. Of course I have had (too much) weight issues most of my life.

So, essentially you're complaining that you never got fat....? yeah, you're life really sucks. smfh.

I'm 31. I fit in clothes I wore when I was 14-15. they still look good on me. enjoy it

if you are talking haven't gotten taller, that sucks but you grow out of it. punctually intended, but also it isn't a big deal. just make sure not to over compensate, by buying some massive truck or starting fights... but it really doesn't much matter how tall you are.