By DravensMommy - 06/08/2009 19:22 - United States

Today, I woke up with a black eye. Why? My husband was having a dream where he was fighting somebody and wound up punching me in the face in his sleep. I had a very important job interview this morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 539
You deserved it 3 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up" came on before I logged onto the website and read this. Oh, the irony.


this seems fake. i don't think anyone can pretend to fight someone in their sleep. and if he punched you in the face hard enough to blacken your eye I'm sure you would have woke up immediately.

A few days ago I was in a light sleep and I decided to punch someone in my dream. my fist hit the wall pretty hard, and it hurt so I woke up immediately. All it takes is one punch to give someone a black eye, and mine definitely could have.

Allord 0


3arl 0

omg someone just mixed up the words of another night punching someone in bed fml

if it was hard enough to give you that bad of a black eye, how the hell did you not wake up at the time of the punch? sounds very suspicious. punching in your sleep is plausible, but if you didn't wake up, I think you are the one with the sleep disorder.

Some larger companies with many people applying for a job may have multiple stages of interviews. This interview could also be for a job where she has a better chance of getting the job and/or one that has better benefits and pay.

once i had a dream i was beating up my bro. i guess i punched my bed frame and i woke up and my fist was bleeding lmao

cattoe7 0

o snap.. a few years ago I got bit by a cocker spaniel and it left me a black eye & i had a interview the next day and i went & got the job soo good luck to you maybe they'll understand

that's one of the reasons we have a little thing called MAKEUP.

Impossible, when dreaming one is immobilized from the neck down, probably to avoid stuff like this.

Then why do people kick in their sleep? I do that. How do people sleep walk? Because when you're sleep walking, you're dreaming.