By DravensMommy - 06/08/2009 19:22 - United States

Today, I woke up with a black eye. Why? My husband was having a dream where he was fighting somebody and wound up punching me in the face in his sleep. I had a very important job interview this morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 539
You deserved it 3 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up" came on before I logged onto the website and read this. Oh, the irony.


Haha, aw. My father has accidentally punched my mother a few times while sleeping. Always dreaming about fighting off a "bad guy."

you don't act out your dreams in real life. try again.

wrong. I've been known to do it, and was told by a sleep specialist, a professor/MD at a large NY hospital, that it is possible, but somewhat unusual if you are sleeping correctly.

Am I the only one who thinks that's kinda sweet?

ashole1990 10

don't you mean you "fell"? :]

I think you can actually act out your dreams, my father once had a dream he was fighting a tiger, he managed to lift the metal headrest off the bed and throw it across the room. OP, glad the interview went well xD

pointerdog- (Sorry, I'm using my phone and I can't see your # or hit reply instead of comment) One job interview can be more significant than another, especially in this economy. There are so few jobs open that those who are looking will apply anywhere, and take whatever they can get. If the job is just what she wants, with good security, pay, and benefits, the interview would naturally have more weight than one for a job she wouldn't consider in more prosperous times. Say you had two interviews at different companies and one offered more money and better benefits. In which interview would it be more important to make a good impression?

LadyWallflower 0

My boyfriend did this to me twice. Once was a full punch to the boob and the other was a smack to the back of the head. Both times though I woke up a split second before he hit me. XD

Well that's not right. I recently learned that your body is supposed to be completely paralyzed while you're dreaming to prevent things like that from happening.

What ???!!!! Where did you learn this ? That's not true !

poopsicle22 0

yes, it is true. It's called REM atonia. When you're in REM sleep, your motor neurons aren't (supposed to be) stimulated, and it's the reason why you don't move around while you're dreaming.

balanceMMX 0

I've tackled my girlfriend in my sleep before, while tackling a thief in my dream... whoops!