Explain this

By Jenny - 16/01/2024 23:00 - United States

Today, my husband smacked me quite hard, and I have a black eye as a result. It's not a case of a domestic abuse, it was 100% unintended because he was sleeping and had a really bad dream that made him swing his arm. He's feeling bad about it, and I would laugh it off, but I have an important meeting tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 641
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Which story do you prefer; you defeated a robber with your awesome martial arts skills, you rescued a baby that was falling from a second-story window, you bumped into a tree branch while skiing, or this outlandish story about your husband wacking you in his sleep?


Which story do you prefer; you defeated a robber with your awesome martial arts skills, you rescued a baby that was falling from a second-story window, you bumped into a tree branch while skiing, or this outlandish story about your husband wacking you in his sleep?

If he was really feeling bad about it, he’d report himself for domestic abuse.