By Anonymous - 18/07/2016 01:02 - United States - Mio

Today, I woke up in the hospital after my sister saved me from "hanging" myself. In reality, my sister choked me because I ate her last chicken nugget. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 651
You deserved it 1 432

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she choked you enough to make you unconscious, then lied about it in such a serious way, report her to every authority you can. That's not sibling rivalry, that's dangerous and mentally unstable.

Sounds like your sister needs an ass beatin


Sibling rivalry a big thing at your house?

risher01 16

Aren't siblings just fantastic?

I hope you are spending your time planning your revenge.

If she choked you enough to make you unconscious, then lied about it in such a serious way, report her to every authority you can. That's not sibling rivalry, that's dangerous and mentally unstable.

Yup. My sister tried to kill me twice by strangulation, and nearly succeeded the second time. And all because I was looking at her pack of stickers. She's still 100% certified insane as an adult.

Update from original poster; told parents. Laughed at me, before I started to cry. Suddenly, they realise I'm not joking. So, my sister might (although I'm one hundred percent sure will) be living with my aunt and uncle.

It's a real shame they didn't believe you at first, but at least it seems like they've come around and realised who was clearly at fault. I hope things work out for you OP. I mean, I can understand getting a little irked by someone eating your last chicken nugget, but to choke them enough to warrant a hospital visit? There's so over the line that I don't think they can see it any more.

It's good that she won't be able to hurt you anymore, but I sincerely hope you press charges. My brother did the same to me and I've regretted not pressing charges ever since, he got to hurt a lot more people after me. Please, please don't let her do the same.

agreed, that's is a very dangerous situation.

Couldn't avoid liking your comment. While I definitely agree, I rarely vote on comments. My OCD told me I had to add a like to bring your number of likes to 666. Sorry not sorry.

My sister tried to strangle me with an extension cord, right as I was blacking out I elbowed her in the face. She didn't get in trouble but I did.

Set that record straight ASAP. What a bitch!

khadishja 12

your sister must be very passionate about her chicken nuggets.

Please tell me that you told someone what actually happened. She obviously needs help if she choked you so bad that you needed to go to a hospital all because of a chicken nugget; and you don't need to be there with people constantly keeping an eye on you because they think you tried killing yourself.

see #15-Joshawott scratch disappeared

annnd, it's back but with a different name.

Next time wear a collar with spikes and eat all her nuggets

Jesus, if she'd do that for a chicken nugget, I'd hate to see what she's willing to do for a Klondike bar. But seriously, tell someone.