By Anonymous - 24/05/2015 15:15 - United States - Lompoc

Today, I woke up to my little sister strangling me. My parents accused me of making the red marks on my throat myself to exaggerate how bad it was. She's just "going through a phase", they say, and I'm a bad person for punching her to get her off me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 571
You deserved it 2 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your sister and parents need some serious help if they don't believe you and accusing you of doing stupid shit. I would leave as soon as you get a chance

How old is your sister? Even if I knew and it was still a small child, I do not believe it's appropriate behaviour for any child to be doing that and should not just be shrugged off as a phase.


So, did she want to be an only child?

Still better than an alarm clock. No I'm kidding. That really sucks OP!

psychopolarbear 28

I wake up swinging if someone so much as brushes my upper body. My step sibs did this to me once or twice when we were little, no matter how long ago it was, it still causes me problems. You might wanna lock your door at night. Maybe even invest in a vicious dog. Ya know, for "companionship" and all.

It would just end with the dog getting put down if anything happened. :(

Your sister and parents need some serious help if they don't believe you and accusing you of doing stupid shit. I would leave as soon as you get a chance

Yeah they might actually kill him and blame it on himself!

Tough spot, I'd say also write a letter to the police explaining that this happened just in case you don't make it. You know, so she can get strangled herself by a bunch of hostile inmates.

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what does that even mean? you freak!

i laughed when i read that, despite it being downvoted

DavidMcClain 12

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I love my mother so much I'm going to strangle her and attempt to kill her! Really, wtf?

Steffi3 40

That's pretty serious, OP. If your parents aren't going to do anything about it, you should consider getting help elsewhere. Seriously.

Well I guess now you can be known as the Californian Redneck

that's just racist and inappropriate.

Next time do nothing and when they will find you dead it will be a hint.

Bit late at that stage for them to do anything about it

If she ends up dead her parents will just accuse her of killing herself to exaggerate her sisters actions. D:

drunk_crow 12

It would solve the problem...but will create major future complications. Not mentioning she'll go to prison if old enough

besides it would be easier to strangle the sister, one murder instead of two plus OP might be able to claim self defense

colvindj 22

this generation of kids are going through some really weird "phases".

AnonymousZOMBIE 12

yup, we are going to have the most rappers and teenage pregnancies...