By PseudoHappiness - 18/07/2016 00:16 - United States

Today, I found out my debit card information has been compromised and that someone in San Jose, CA has completely drained my bank account. Joke's on them though. I was already broke as fuck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 655
You deserved it 1 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the spirit show that hacker who drained your bank account who's boss lol

Report it to the police immediately! Even if you barely had anything you should still do it.. it's ur money and nobody else has a right to keep it... or steal it.


That's the spirit show that hacker who drained your bank account who's boss lol

Report it to the police immediately! Even if you barely had anything you should still do it.. it's ur money and nobody else has a right to keep it... or steal it.

They might still use OP's overdraft if they have one.

Report it because they will do it again to someone else.

tell the bank what happened! a lot of banks will reimburse your money if something happens! and don't forget to tell the police either! hopefully they can find out who did it since they know what stores they have been going to. best of luck!

Definitely tell tell the bank. A couple of years ago someone in Cincinnati did this to me. The bank reimbursed me and took charge of the investigation. Someone tried to buy gardening equipment on my dime. Nefarious thieves! No plants for you! Now that I think about it, it was probably for weed.

Who the **** steals money to but gardening equipment?

Theater_Chef_3 30

tell the bank what happened! a lot of banks will reimburse your money if something happens! and don't forget to tell the police either! hopefully they can find out who did it since they know what stores they have been going to. best of luck!

I feel like reading that is gonna jinx me...

Just had someone charge $80 from a target in San Jose, pretty sure it's from Wendy's, all of their systems were hacked and card information stolen. Our bank had us fill out some paperwork and reimbursed us

tiger820 20

had the same thing happen to me but I didn't get charged anything and my bank sent me a new card but said it was from Wendy's.

Yeah, that sucks. Someone recently stole my info and payed for an Amazon prime subscription. I was broke as **** too.

Definitely report it because they could ruin your credit and stuff even if you have no money